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What's on at Vrak?

Welcome to the museum that takes you on adventures under the surface! Vrak offers something for the entire family. You can go on an exciting torchlight tour, become a wreck detective, or join us for happy hour to hear stories from a diving pioneer.

Pram tours and cuddling with your little ones

Our pram tours are back! Explore an underwater world with your baby during our Monday pram tours from 10 to 12. Each week features a new theme, including the Travelling Man exhibit with cuddly toys on a soft carpet for your little ones to crawl on and discover.

The pram tour starts at 11.30. The museum is fully pram accessible and equipped with a lift and baby changing facilities on both the ground and upper floors. Vistors to the pram tours get a discount in the café. Note that the tour is in Swedish.

Times and location

  • Mondays 10–12, tour starts at 11.30
  • Location: The museum, Djurgårdsstrand 17

Get a taste of the history of coffee

Welcome to an evening entirely devoted to coffee. Discover more about its rich history and taste a variety of brews.

To kick off the coffee tasting, historian Hugo Kalén Hambraeus will discuss the history of coffee. Next up is Roberto Javier from Dada Coffee, who will highlight the importance of sustainability and fair trade. After that, it’s time to try the different brews. The talks will be held in Swedish.

Time and location

  • Date and time: 4 September, 18.00
  • Location: Ytan, museum’s second floor, Djurgårdsstrand 17

It’s our birthday – join the celebrations!

Museum of Wrecks anniversary: Enjoy free admission all day Saturday, 21 September, and stay until 21:00.

During the day, you can go on a wreck hunt with your family, perform water experiments, or draw your best shipwreck picture and compete to win a book. Sailor tattoos for all kids, guided tours about the Osmund wreck – an exciting iron find in the Stockholm archipelago – held in english at 12:00, 15:00 and 17:00.

In the evening, you can listen to a lecture with maritime archaeologist and osteologist Matilda Jarl, who will talk about drinking habits on board. Pair the lecture with something to eat and drink from Mackverket at our cosy café and bar.

More activities may be added. We welcome you to visit us on this special day!

Time and location

  • Date and time: 21 September, 10.00 – 21.00
  • Location: The museum, Djurgårdsstrand 17

Apple Festival

Celebrate the Djurgården Apple Festival by getting to know Äpplet (“The Apple”), Vasa’s sister ship, which was discovered by the museum’s own maritime archaeologists.

Join our knowledgeable guides on a special tour of Äpplet. Did you know that Äpplet was completed just one year after the ship Vasa sank? Or that the ship’s sculptures still lie on the seabed? Or that the ship was built from the same kind of timber?

Time and location

  • Dates: 25–29 September. Tours in English at 12.00 and 15.00. In Swedish at 11.00 and 14.00.
  • Location: Meet in the museum entrance, Djurgårdsstrand 17

The Apple Festival week takes place in several locations on the island of Djurgården. Check out the Royal Djurgården events calendar for more places to visit.

The ship Prinsessan Sophia Albertina and a shared history

Learn about the shared history between Sweden and the Netherlands beginning with the Swedish warship Sophia Albertina, which sank off the Netherlands in the 18th century. The lecture will be held in English.

Time and location

  • Date and time: 2 October, 18.00
  • Location: Ytan, museum’s second floor, Djurgårdsstrand 17

Diving pub

Join Emmy Ahlén from Vrakdykarpensionatet as she discusses fascinating events that have taken place beneath the surface. From violent storms and sea battles to bad luck that has sunk many a ship, the Baltic Sea’s underwater world is teeming with exciting tales from the past. The talk will be held in Swedish.

Time and location

  • Date and time: 9 October, lecture 18.00–19.00. The museum is open until 20.00.
  • Location: The museum, Djurgårdsstrand 17

Theme weekend: Tybrind Vig

Dig the Stone Age theme on our weekend tours! Join our expert guides under the surface and learn more about the Tybrind Vig settlement, which is now submerged under water.

Time and location

  • Dates: 26–27 October. Tours in English at 12.00 and 15.00. In Swedish at 11.00 and 14.00.
  • Location: Meet in the museum entrance, Djurgårdsstrand 17

Torchlight tour: Hunt for the museum’s ghost

Help us solve the mystery of the museum ghost! When dark descends, strange noises can be heard in the museum. Things start disappearing and the staff is scared ... Are you a ghost hunter who isn’t afraid of the dark? Then we need you!

Children are welcome to participate in the company of an adult. Maximum two children per adult. The tour is recommended for children aged 7 to 11. The tour will be held in Swedish.

Time and location

  • Dates: 28 October, 29 October, 31 October, 1 November, 2 November, 3 November. Time: 18.00–19.00.
  • Location: The museum, Djurgårdsstrand 17

Autumn break at the Museum of Wrecks

Look for ghosts hiding around the museum, draw to your heart’s content, and try your hand at conducting a wreck hunt. The hunt is suitable for children aged 6 to 12.

The diving tank house, located near the museum, is also open during the autumn holidays. The house is full of quirky diving gadgets, and several hidden pumpkins, too – see if you can find them all!

Mackverket will be offering yummy sandwiches and other goodies in the museum café.

Time and location

  • Dates and time: 28 October – 1 November, 10.00–17.00
  • Location: The museum, Djurgårdsstrand 7

City walk at the Galärvarv Cemetery

On this city tour, you’ll get to learn about the naval fleet’s history as well as gain insight into the lives of those buried in the cemetery and how they lived. Welcome to this unique After Wreck event and tour. The tour will be held in Swedish.

Time and location

  • Date and time: 30 October, 18.00–19.00. The museum is open until 20.00.
  • Location: Meet in the museum entrance, Djurgårdsstrand 17

A deep dive into archaeology

Join Professor Johan Rönnby’s lecture on conducting deep-water archaeology in the Baltic and Black Seas. Beneath the perpetual darkness of these seabeds lie exceptionally preserved shipwrecks, ranging from ancient Greek pirate vessels and Roman handships to heavily armed warships. The lecture will reveal how maritime archaeologists delve into the depths to document and investigate remains that lie thousands of metres down on the seabed, and what you can learn from studying these old shipwrecks.

Rönnby is a professor of maritime archaeology at Södertörn University. For nearly 40 years, he has been diving and investigating archaeological remains in the seas. The lecture will be held in Swedish.

Time and location

  • Date and time: 6 November, 18.00. The museum is open until 20.00.
  • Location: Ytan, museum’s second floor, Djurgårdsstrand 17

Diving stories, with Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg

At this After Wreck, Sweden’s very first female maritime archaeologist, Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg, will pay a visit to the museum. Come and hear her talk about her experiences from Australia, where she has dived on the ships Batavia and Zeevijk. The talk will be held in Swedish.

Time and location

  • Date and time: 13 November, 18.00
  • Location: The museum, Djurgårdsstrand 17

Theme weekend around the merchant ship Darss

Join the museum’s expert guides on a special tour of a medieval merchant ship, which tells the story of life and trade during this period. The wreck is named after the place where it was found, the German peninsula of Darss. The ship sank somewhere around the middle of the 14th century. During the tour, you will learn about the ship’s cargo, where the ship might have sailed from, and much more.

Time and location

  • Dates: 23–24 November. Tours in English at 12.00 and 15.00. In Swedish at 11.00 and 14.00.
  • Location: Meet in the museum entrance, Djurgårdsstrand 17

The ancient Baltic Sea, in myth and in reality

Author Jonathan Lindström will share with you the amazing history of the Baltic Sea spanning more than 11,000 years, as depicted in his books. Take the chance to relax and enjoy a drink or bite to eat in our cosy bar and café. The lecture will be held in Swedish.

Time and location

  • Date and time: 4 December, 18.00
  • Location: The museum, Djurgårdsstrand 17

Christmas music quiz

Gather friends, colleagues or family and compete in the museum’s Christmas quiz. Book your team by emailing and compete for great prizes from the museum’s gift shop. You’ll get to enjoy live music with The Soul Refresh and have the chance to visit the museum’s exhibitions. Mackverket will be serving food and drinks in the café all evening. Hope to get you in the holiday spirit at this event!

Time and location

  • Date and time: 11 December, 18.00
  • Location: The museum, Djurgårdsstrand 17


Måndagar 10-12 för alla föräldralediga. Visningen börjar 11, med olika tema varje vecka. Mackverket erbjuder rabatt på mat och fika i anslutning till barnvagnsvisningarna.

Fira Vrakdagen

Fri entré lördag 21 september, öppet 10-21! Visningar av museet och roliga aktiviteter. Kom och fira Vraks födelsedag med oss!

Äppelfest på Vrak

Fira Äppelfesten på Djurgården genom att lära känna Vasas systerskepp Äpplet, som upptäcktes av Vraks marinarkeologer. 

HMS Prinzessan Sophia Albertina and a shared history

Lecture by professor Martijn Manders about the common history of Sweden and the Netherlands, with starting point in the Swedish warship Sofia Albertina, which sank off the Netherlands in the 1700s.
onsdag 9 oktober


Emmy Ahlén från Vrakdykarpensionatet i Dalarö gästar Vrak! Välkommen att boka plats och lyssna på Emmys engagerande föreläsning om de historiska vraken i Stockholms södra skärgård.

Temahelg: Tybrind Vig

Stenålderstema på helgens visningar! Följ med Vraks kunniga guider under ytan och lär dig mer om boplatsen Tybrind Vig, som numera ligger under vatten.


FULLBOKAT! Mysteriet på Vrak. Ficklampsvisning för barn 7-11 år.

Höstlov på Vrak

26 oktober – 1 november. Rysmysiga höstlovsaktiviteter med spök- och pumpajakt, fiskdamm, VR-dyk, tatueringar, familjevisningar mycket annat! Fri entré för alla barn och unga.

Stadsvandring Galärvarvskyrkogården

På stadsvandringen får du lära dig mycket om flottans historia men också få en inblick i några av personerna som vilar på kyrkogården och hur de levde sina liv. Välkommen till detta After Wreck och en unik visning. Start i Vraks entré!
onsdag 6 november

Arkeologi på djupet

Välkommen på ett föredrag om att bedriva djupvattensarkeologi i Östersjön och i Svarta havet, med professor Johan Rönnby.  Kvällsöppet på museet och i vår bardel!
onsdag 13 november

Dykberättelser med Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg

Vid detta After Wreck gästas Vrak av Sveriges första kvinnliga marinarkeolog, Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg! Kom och hör Catharina berätta om sina upplevelser från Australien där hon har dykt på skeppen Batavia och Zeevijk.

Temahelg om skeppet Darss

Häng med museets kunniga guider på en specialvisning om det medeltida handelsskeppet Darss som berättar om dåtidens liv och handel.
onsdag 4 december

Östersjöns forntid i myt och verklighet

Författaren Jonathan Lindström berättar om Östersjöns fantastiska historia under mer än 11 000 år, med utgångspunkt från hans böcker. Passa på att njuta av en dricka eller något att äta i vår mysiga bar- och cafédel.


Samla ihop vänner, kollegor eller släkten och tävla i vårt juliga quiz. Finfina priser från Vraks butik!

Annual Ticket

Get an annual ticket and visit Vrak's exhibitions and programs as often as you want for a whole year. The card gives you discount prices at our café and in our shop and much more. Price SEK 340.