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Spring at Vrak

Spring is near! This year, we’re ushering in springtime with a baby hangout, a deep dive into the world of the Vikings, and shipwreck theme weekends. Brighten up your days with these and other fun events at the Museum of Wrecks.

Whether you’re young, old, or young at heart, there’s something for everyone at the museum this spring.

Pram and pushchair tours

Starting on Monday 5 February, we’ve set aside the mornings for you and the little ones. In our exhibition Resande Man, you can experience an underwater world with stuffed animals on the soft carpet where babies can crawl around and discover the room. Open 10.00–12.00.

Pram tours start at 11.30, where we’ll talk about the various wrecks on display at the museum.

Mondays, 5 February – 27 May, 10.00–12.00. Guided tour starts at 11.30.

Special offer from Mackverket: 20% discount on “fika” during the pram tour hours.

Stories from a survivor

Sara Hedrenius, one of the survivors of the sinking of the M/S Estonia, will be visiting the museum. Listen to her talk about the rescue and the interviews she’s conducted with surface rescuers and captains of the ships that came to her rescue.

When The Sun went down

Theme weekend: The Swedish warship Solen (“The Sun”) sank in 1627 outside Gdansk in Poland. Why? Join us for an exciting tour.

  • 24-25 February, tour in Swedish at 11.00 and 14.00.
  • Tour in English at 12.00 and 15.00.

Winter break at the Museum of Wrecks

Meet our maritime archaeologists, go wreck hunting, create underwater animals with an art teacher, visit the Dive Tank House, and more!

  • 26 February – 3 March

Easter break at the museum 

The Easter holidays offer the perfect opportunity for families to do things together at the museum. Join us for guided tours and listen to stories about old ships and squabbles on board. Throughout the week leading up to Easter, the museum will be hosting fun-filled activities – like creating underwater animals using toilet paper rolls! 😉 Or try diving without getting wet using a VR headset and experience a wreck under the surface, or figure out answers to our Wreck Hunt quiz. 

  • 25-31 March, 10.00–17.00

Easter Adventure

Something mysterious seems to have happened at the museum! Help our guides find clues and find out who's really involved. Who can you trust?

A fun special tour arranged for children during the Easter holidays, twice a day. Limited number of seats – must be pre-booked.

  • 25-29 March, 11.30 and 14.30

Vasa’s sister Äpplet – theme weekend

A special weekend with daily guided tours about Äpplet, Vasa’s sister ship. We get to the bottom of what we know so far about Vasa’s sister, which was found by the museum’s maritime archaeologists and the Swedish navy during joint dives in 2021.

  • 30-31 March, tours in Swedish at 11.00 and 14.00.
  • Tour in English at 12.00 and 15.00.

Viking harbours in Hedeby and Sigtuna

Lectures and evening opening hours at the museum. What did the complex harbour operations look like in the Viking town of Hedeby? And how were goods cleared in customs during Sigtuna’s earliest times, when archaeologists haven’t yet found the town’s harbour? The lecture will be held by Sven Kalmring, curator of the Late Iron Age collections at the National Historical Museums in Stockholm and associate professor at Stockholm University, and Johan Runer, doctor of archaeology and curator at the National Maritime and Transport Museums.

  • 10 April, lecture starts at 18.00. Museum and bar open until 20.00.

Stockholm Culture Night

How does free admission sound? Or a fire show, a look at a dive truck, or a pop-up tour? And don’t forget the popcorn. Come and celebrate Stockholm’s iconic Culture Night at Vrak. During the evening, we’ll be doing pop-up tours about the different wrecks in the Baltic Sea. You can have a bite to eat or a drink at our café Mackverket, too. Take the chance to experience the museum in a different way, bathed in light and music. You won’t want to miss Culture Night at the museum.

  • 20 April, 18.00–midnight

The U-479 submarine – theme weekend

This German U-boat sank off Estonia during World War II. Our museum guides will offer tours with fascinating stories about what happened when the U-boat sank, answer your questions, and much more.  What might it have been like to live aboard a submarine during World War II?

  • 27-28 April, guided tours in Swedish at 11.00 and 14.00.
  • Tours in English at 12.00 and 15.00.

The Osmund wreck – theme weekend

Join the museum’s knowledgeable guides on a special tour of the so-called Osmund wreck from the 16th century. What was in the cargo when the ship sank, and why is it called the Osmund wreck?

  • 25-26 May, tours in Swedish at 11.00 and 14.00.
  • Tour in English at 12 noon and 15.00.

The Osmund wreck

Lectures and evening opening hours. This ship, carrying various kinds of cargo, was probably a common sight both in the port of Stockholm and on the Baltic Sea during the 16th century. But from an archaeological perspective, the Osmund wreck is the first of its kind. In 2024, new investigations will take place on the Osmund wreck. The goal is to salvage two barrels for analysis of the fabled osmund iron. The barrels containing the osmunds have proven to be uniquely designed for osmund iron— but why? The investigations also aim to document construction timbers from the stern, with the hope of being able to reveal what the transom looked like. Thanks to grants from the Voice of the Ocean Foundation, the Museum of Wrecks and Jernkontoret can continue their joint research on the osmund trade across the Baltic Sea.

  • 29 May at 18.00. Museum and bar area open until 20.00.

Annual Ticket

Get an annual ticket and visit Vrak's exhibitions and programs as often as you want for a whole year. The card gives you discount prices at our café and in our shop and much more. Price SEK 340.

Påsklov på Vrak

28 mars - 7 april: Skrock ombord, dramatiserade visningar, kreativa aktiviteter och öppet i Dyktankhuset. Lovet är ett perfekt tillfälle för familjer att göra saker tillsammans på Vrak!


Det verkar ha hänt något mystiskt på museet! Dramatiserad visning där barnen behöver hjälpa Vraks guide att hitta ledtrådar och ta reda på vem som egentligen är inblandad!
lördag 20 april

Kulturnatt Stockholm

Fri entré på Vrak under kulturnatten – öppet till midnatt! Vrak bjuder på eldshow, popupvisningar, livemusik, popcorn och ett härligt häng! Mackverket Vrak med bar, café och uteservering gör kulturnatten till ett tillfälle du inte vill missa!

Tema: Ubåten U-479

27 - 28 april. Denna helg håller vi temavisningar om ubåten U-479. Hur kan det ha varit att leva ombord på en ubåt under andra världskriget?

The Osmund wreck – theme weekend

25-26 May. Join the museum’s knowledgeable guides on a special tour of the so-called Osmund wreck from the 16th century. What was in the cargo when the ship sank, and why is it called the Osmund wreck?
onsdag 29 maj

Osmundvraket – 1500-talsskepp med svenskt exportjärn

Föredrag: Sannolikt har liknande av skepp varit en vanlig syn både i Stockholms hamn och på Östersjön under 1500-talet. Men i arkeologiska sammanhang är Osmundvraket det första i sitt slag.